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Pupil Leadership Roles

School council

School Council

As a school, pupil voice is vital to support decision making with a democtaric model.  Each class voted for their representitive. These children meet regularly with Mrs Stacey to support viewpoints of children across school.

SEAL Ambassadors

As a SEAL school we teach SEAL through five broad themes:

  • Managing Feelings
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills
  • Self Awareness

SEAL Ambassadors identify and reward children each day in their class for displaying these behaviours. 

SEAL school

TCAT Parliament

As part of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT) we have our own TCAT Parliament.  Children from Year 6 join other schools to work on goals that are important to the children in our trust.  They attend regular meetings with other pupils acroos the trust and deliver new initiatives in school, driving for pupil voice and improvements. 

House Captain and vice captain

Our Year 6 children have been voted for by the whole school to take on the responsibility for leading their House.  These children are fantastic role models to the whole school, promoting good behaviour and sharing how others could follow their example to earn house points.  They organise sporting events to compete for the House Cup, along with competing for the House Cup each half term, by collecting the most house points. 

House captain
Happiness hero

Happiness Heroes

To support our work with mental health, our school promotes Happiness Heroes in each class.  Every week the children take part in My Happy Minds lessons and complete journals.  The Happiness Heroes are working with Mrs Caggiano to identify children who are supporting the promotion of positive mental health.

Reading champions

Each class has its very own Reading Champions. Their role is to promote reading in the class, suggest books and support with the class library. They run competitions across school to help children love reading. 

Reading champions
Mini police

Mini Police

Our Mini Police officers work hard to promote safety within our community. They work alongside the Police to deliver messages around safety,  The officers has been to The Cobbs Infant School to support with work on road safety. 

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