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At Broomfields Junior School we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils, whatever their needs and abilities.  We aim to develop an ethos of care, empathy and understanding, where every child reaches their potential, regardless of ability level, race, gender or cultural background.  We are committed to each child's personal well-being and academic success. 

Key SEND Policies

To read our polilies for SEND please click the following link: 

For further information of what Broomfields Junior School offer, please read our Parent Handbook below:

4 areas of need

Click on the Twitter logo to see our latest SEND Tweets.  #broomfieldsend

Warrington's local offer

Warrington are moving to a new site for their local offer. Please click on 'What is the Local Offer' below to go to the new site. 

Local offer

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs.

Click on the picture to find out more.

Their engaging, community-based, learning, coaching and mentoring programmes will help you and your family to better recognise, understand and meet your individual needs, enabling you to manage the day to day challenges.

Regardless of where you live, you can access our community network groups that raise awareness; develop skills; share learning experiences; and build confidence. 


ADDvanced solutions

Parental courses

ADDvanced solutions offer free courses for parents to support you with your child's needs.  If you are requesting a referral for neuro pathways, you must complete this course first.  Please click on the picture below to find out more. 


SEND Support from SENDIAS

Click on the image to link to SEND IAS

SEND IAS informtion:

Most children will move through pre-school, school and college without any major problems, but some children and young people, may have difficulties in learning. If you have concerns or worries we may be able to help.

We can explain:

  • How the education system works

  • What early education providers, schools and colleges can do to help your child/young person.

  • What local authorities and other services can do to help your child/young person.

  • Your rights and your child/young persons rights.

We work in partnership with parents, schools, colleges, local authority and other service providers.

Warrington parent and carers


Warrington Parents & Carers Forum is a voluntary group of enthusiastic, dedicated and experienced parents, carers, grandparents and family members of children and young people aged of 0-25 years with disabilities and additional needs.

Our main objective is to listen to families and young people in Warrington to find out what is really important to them. By finding out what is really important to families and the support they need, we can see what is working well and what needs improving and we can then work with the organisations that plan and provide services in Warrington to make the best use of the resources available to improve your lives.

Click on the image above to find out more and visit the website.

Further support and information

Dyslexia and Discalculia

Where there are concerns about your child having Dyslexia, school can offer a screening on IDL to identify the area of difficulties.  Unfortunately we cannot diagnose Dyslexia, but we offer a range of adaptations to support in class .  Please take a look at the British Dyslexia Association website for further information. 

School can refer to the hospital, where there are concerns around visual stress and tracking.  We also promote the use of IDL to support reading and spelling development. 

Anxiety information

Anxiety is a perfectly normal human state and actually has its uses!  It does however negatively impact on how well you can do things, your enjoyment of things and everyday life, if the feeling becomes too intense.  Please read the document below, which includes information about what anxiety is, spotting signs, useful tips for parents and young people and where you can seek futher help.

If your child is struggling with their sleeping patterns, you could attend this course to seek support.  Click on the image to be taken to the website.

ADHD Support

For more useful information on ADHD - have a look on the ADHD Foundation website. Just click on the picture to visit the site. 

Occupational Therapy Services


Our World and my World

As a school we feel it is important that all of our pupils and staff feel they are understood and each of their unique qualities are celebrated. We hold assemblies to give information to our pupils about a wide variety of differences and how they can support each other in our world. Please take a look... 


Here is our assembly about Autism.  We also used the following video with the children. Just click on the image to watch the clip.  The PDF below shows the presentation the children watched. 

Tourette Syndrome

Here is our assembly about Tourette Syndrome. The children learnt about tics and how they can support other people with Tourette's. 

Click on the Tourettes Action logo to learn more. 

Cystic Fibrosis

In our assembly today, we learnt about CF - Cystic Fybrois. One of our pupils who has the condition helped to deliver this to the whole school. We were so proud!

Click on the Our World and My World to watch a video about CF.

Down Syndrome

Steve from Down Syndrome Cheshire kindly came to school to share information about Down Syndrome.  Here is the video link to his presentation. Click on the image to watch the film.


Here is our assembly on ADHD.  This was produced by one of our children in Year 6, to support other people understanding more about ADHD,

Click on the image to watch the video that supported the powerpoint.



Here is our assembly on worry and anxiety.  Take a look at the videos to see how to deal with worries. Worry affects us all, so do not feel alone. 

Limb Difference

Here is our assembly about limb difference. We are so proud that a child in Y6 helped to deliver this assembly. They showed how positive and determined they are and how everyone can help support people with a limb difference. 

Please click on the assembly and the link to find out more. 

Cerebral Palsy

Here is our assembly about Cerebral Palsy, delivered by Stick and Step, a charity that help support children with the condition. The assembly showed us how the condition can affect people in different ways. We learnt just what people can achieve with the right exercises to support strength. 

Please click on the assembly and link to find out more.  


Autism and me

Cameron wrote, created and presented his own inspirational assembly about Autism. He gave a brilliant insight into how he finds certain tasks more tricky, but also sees his condition as an amazing gift. 

Please click on the assembly and link to find out more. 

Deaf Awareness

Here is our assembly about deaf awareness. We are so proud that two children from our school Y3 & Y5) delivered this assembly. They showed how demanding it can be to have a hearing difficulty and how we can all support. 

Please click on the assembly and the link to find out more. 


Following Diabetes awareness week, here is our assembly about the condition.  The children were so supportive listening to what it is like for people living with the condition and they learnt what to do to support hypos (low blood sugars).

Please click on the assembly and links to find out more.

More coming soon

Coming soon

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