Values & Ethos
Our highly committed and valued staff, working in partnership with parents, governors and all stakeholders, will ensure Broomfields Junior is a school where:
- Effective teamwork forms the basis of a professional and motivated staff who always put children first
- A caring ethos nurtures positive relationships, with everyone equally valued and all achievements celebrated
- An engaging, relevant and enjoyable curriculum promoting British Values ensures children are well prepared for education, work and life
- A culture of challenge and high expectation is promoted to maximize individual potential
- An awareness of self, community and global issues fosters responsible behaviour with respect for all
- Children are taught in a stimulating learning environment where high quality resources are paramount
Our Aims at Broomfields
Outcomes for Pupils
- Help all pupils learn to the best of their ability, acquiring and developing key skills and a deep knowledge across the curriculum
- Enthuse children to make rapid progress as they develop and apply a range of skills to ensure that they are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education
- Strive for the highest standards possible
Quality of education
- Draw upon the excellent subject knowledge of teachers to create outstanding lessons
- Use imaginative teaching strategies to promote high levels of enthusiasm for, participation in and commitment to learning
- Promote high levels of resilience, confidence and independence in children when tackling challenging activities
Personal Development, Behaviour & attitudes
- Have a consistent approach towards behaviour management, guiding children to manage their own behaviour in the classroom and in social situations where they demonstrate high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and cooperation
- Ensure children have an excellent, enthusiastic attitude towards their learning, helping their peers learn and thrive in an atmosphere of respect and dignity
- Help pupils to feel safe, teaching what constitutes unsafe situations and how pupils can keep themselves and others safe in and out of school
Leadership & Management
- Pursue excellence through an uncompromising and highly successful drive to improve and maintain the highest levels of achievement
- Provide a broad, balanced, differentiated and innovative curriculum full of memorable experiences and rich opportunities delivered by outstanding teachers
- Establish a friendly and trusting relationship between home and school so that we work together for the good of the pupils
The Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development of Pupils at the School
- Raise awareness of moral values and diversity within a mainly Christian ethos;
- Encourage community cohesion by raising the awareness of pupils to their own and other cultures, fostering concern and respect for others;
- Engender an understanding of sustainable development through encouraging care for yourself, others and the environment;
- Ensure that at every level, in all our work and throughout all aspects of the school community and its life, all will be treated equally.