Our School Uniform
School Uniform
The school has a uniform which is widely approved by our parents. We simply ask children to wear the following:
Girls Uniform
Grey Skirt / Pinafore Dress
Grey Trousers (Optional)
White Blouse
Royal Blue V-Necked Jumper or Cardigan
White Socks or Royal Blue / Black
Striped Tie - available in two lengths from Slaters
Summer Term - Blue / White Dress
Girls PE Kit
Royal Blue P.E. Shorts
White P.E. Shirt
Predominantly Black or White Trainers for outdoor PE
Boys Uniform
Grey Trousers (long or short)
White Shirt
Royal Blue V - NeckedJumper
Grey Socks or Royal Blue / Black
Striped Tie - available in two lengths from Slaters
Boys PE Kit
Royal Blue P.E. Shorts
White P.E. Shirt
Predominantly Black or White Trainers for outdoor PE
We hope that parents will see the importance of the uniform in promoting the ethos of the school. All these items are readily available at either local shops, market or chain stores at reasonable cost
N. B.
We have an arrangement with Termtex (Slaters), Eckersley's Mill, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan WN3 5BD to supply all items of our uniform.
Parents requiring information should contact the school office for a price list or download the form at the bottom of this page and then telephone 01942 244496 to place an order. (It should be noted that it is not essential for parents to purchase the school uniform items through ‘Slaters’.)
Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with your child's name.