School meals
School meals will be £2.60 each.
Below is the menu for our school meals.
A healthy midday meal is prepared on the premises and served in the school hall. Children may also bring their own packed lunch. Children are supervised throughout the meal. Each child is encouraged to have a reasonable helping of foods served.
Payment is via a cashless system called Arbor. You require log-in details, which can be obtained from the school office. Once on the system, you pay via the online payment. Please ensure that there is money in the basket and that you transfer it to the relevant item that you are paying for e.g school meals.
Snacks are available for children during the mid-morning break (10:15-10.30). These are paid for via Arbor. We encourage all children to bring water bottles to school, which they can fill up from our chilled water dispensers.
Free meals are available and parents who qualify should contact the Local Education Authority. Please click on the title below for more information and applications.
Week 1

Week 2